Sensei Webb has traveled the world and both trained and taught in a number of countries. He continues to expand his understanding of the martial arts on a regular basis and is available for Seminars on a variety of topics.
KArate training at home - kIHON (BASICS) CLASS
Sunday, February 26 at 9am Eastern Time (New York time in USA). This is an online session to review basic Goju Ryu techniques. We will cover some basic block, punches and kicks. This is designed for the beginner student who wishes to train, but doesn't have access to a regular dojo. Please register in advance to ensure your spot in this class. We expect it to go between 60-90 minutes in length and will cost $8 US for early registrations received up to 1 week in advance of class.

His most popular seminars are generally around the application of technique within various kata as well as the application of universal martial arts principles.
classes for the community
We offer a variety of classes designed for specific topics. Some of our classes we offer include:
- Safe & Strong - women's self defense
- Safety in the Modern World - how to handle everyday situations that might arise (ie, drunk uncle)
- Conflict Resolution - a simple model for how to handle conflict and get to a successful resolution